The Government of Kenya has employed highly qualified trainers in different fields and equipped the College with State of Art equipment in Electrical and Electronic Engineering worthy millions of shillings. The fees is very affordable since the government pays more than half of the total fees per year. That is, total fees per year is Kshs 56, 420 out of which the government pays Kshs 30,000 while the parent /guardian pays Kshs 26,420. The student can apply for loan from higher Education loan Board and if one qualifies will be given Kshs 40,000 out of which Kshs 26,420 goes to the fees while Kshs 13, 580 is wired into the account of the student as pocket money. This leaves the parent/guardian with the responsibility of catering for KNEC exam, accommodation and meals.
The requirement for admission is a KCSE grade D- and below for Artisan level, D plain & D+ for craft certificate, while grade C- and above enrolls for Diploma. This means there is no student who has completed form four (4) should go into waste or be condemned to the grade attained.

Admission for January  intake is on going.

 Kindly visit the registrar’s office at the College Building, 1st floor daily from Monday to  Friday starting at 8.00am to 5.00pm and you will be assisted or visit the College web site; and download the admission letter, fill it as required, then submit as you report for the term. There is a link on the website, follow it for online admission.

 COURSES offered in the College includes but not limited to;

1. Electrical and Electronic Engineering  ( Diploma & Craft certificate), Electrical Installation (Artisan)

2. Civil Engineering, Building Construction (diploma), Plumbing_ Artisan and Craft Cert, Masonry (Artisan & Craft cert)

3. Agriculture ( Craft & Diploma)

4. Information, communication, Technology (Diploma & Craft)

5. Secretarial Studies (single & group)

6. Hair & Beauty Therapy (Artisan)

7. Social work and Community Development (Diploma)

8. Competency-Based Education & Training (CBET) courses:

i. Electrical installation Level 3,

ii. Masonry  Level 3

 iii. Office Assistant level 4 

iv. Horticultural Nursery Management Level 3


1. State of Art equipment for Electrical & Electronic Engineering

2. Well qualified  trainers 

 3. Conducive learning environment- No culture shock

4. Cheap accommodation within the vicinity of the College

5. Plenty of food available and very cheap, just to mention a few



You can download the Admission letter here:
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